

Swap the fun way

General FAQ

What is this?

There are many exchanges, with so many different rates. Can you imagine a place where you could compare all of them? That's what we do. We're the compare.com of the exchanges.

Do you enforce KYC?

Since we are just a humble aggregator, we never impose such requirements. However, some of our esteemed associates may require it if your transaction is detected as suspicious.

Rest assured, we handshake only with those who practice the sacred art of anti-KYC 99% of the time with 100% conviction. But if a partner's got their KYC phasers set to 'maybe,' you'll find a warning on their offer!

Do you offer a guarantee?

As of now we don't cover any loss of funds, but we make sure our parners are trustworthy. We never manage your funds, we're just matchmakers, your funds are soley managed by our exchanging partners.

Is Big Brother Watching Your Swaps?

No. We only store the exchange date, partner, amount and pair for statistic purposes. We NEVER save addresses, order IDs and we don't save IPs or logs. You can ask for a database audit, we'll happily provide what's needed.

Do you track users?

No. This site has no trackers and no javascript is needed.

Who are you?

3 buddies that want to make exchanging crypto easier, and earn a buck or two.

I found a bug!

Ping us at contact[at]s**p.l*l

We keep the email address somewhat hidden to keep spammer bots away.

Do you like this domain?

We're all ears.

What are your exchange partners?

Partners is a big word, but we show rates for:

We are constantly adding more exchanges.